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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

cody simpson vs justin bieber

cody simpson vs justin bieber. Justin-ieber-y-cody-simpson
  • Justin-ieber-y-cody-simpson

  • phineas
    Oct 6, 01:20 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    I believe the way to say it is LTE, which boils down to GSM and yes there supposed to start in 2010

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber. Justin Bieber vs Cody Simpson. Justin Bieber vs Cody Simpson. mactree. Apr 25, 04:40 PM. I#39;m sure they#39;re re-writting their
  • cody simpson vs justin bieber. Justin Bieber vs Cody Simpson. Justin Bieber vs Cody Simpson. mactree. Apr 25, 04:40 PM. I#39;m sure they#39;re re-writting their

  • aeneas07
    Oct 6, 11:46 AM
    Getting back to the actual advertisement. What self-respecting advertising professional would use someone else's tagline like that.

    I had a few friends watching the football game (where we saw the ad) and half of them thought it was an iphone commercial because they were only half paying attention and heard "there's a map for that".

    Pretty shoddy work in my opinion.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs scapers,
  • cody simpson vs scapers,

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 06:33 PM
    The "quiz questions" are necessary because we don't know what it is you know or think you know. We can't read your mind. This is how information is exchanged and we can come to the appropriate level or explanation to be able to help you. It can also help you find the answer yourself by talking through it.

    talking through it ?? thats funny, as soon as someone mentions "what's a pointer"..everyone shoots to kill here, and they tell you to step out or go deep yourself in books. The last thing you'll get is a simple answer, which 1 out 20 developers give you without asking you "Have you even read the objective-C manual?? cause if not you should leave the Real Coding and go study now"

    For someone seeking our help, you sure are quick to dismiss it. Again, everyone in this thread has been trying to help you. A little cooperation on your part would be appreciated.

    Help us help you. If we have questions, it's because we don't quite understand what you are seeking help on.

    Knight, just go to page 2 and look at the problem. It's very clear what I'm looking for and many developers have try to solve it. dejo describes it step by step. If you don't understand ask me, because many others understand it.

    (I think 2/3 pages in this thread are not related to the code itself, instead everybody is giving his point of view about why or why not Pro developers should help new ones.)

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. Cody Simpson Wallpapers
  • Cody Simpson Wallpapers

  • ChazUK
    Mar 24, 03:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android 2.3.3; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1103211415; U; en-GB) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)

    I feel ashamed to say this but Tiger took my OSX Virginity from me but boy was it awesome! My computing life would not be complete without OSX in it.

    This is such a great milestone! :)

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. Justin Bieber vs. Cody
  • Justin Bieber vs. Cody

  • DDustiNN
    Mar 19, 03:25 AM
    I can't believe how much smugness is in this thread. It almost makes me ashamed to call myself an iPhone owner.

    Sure, it is the best-looking phone on the market, but come on people... it's still just a phone. It costs the same amount as any other new high-end phone with contract ($199, which is what I paid for my RAZR 2 when it came out). The OP perceiving other people's difference in taste (they chose Android) hardly equates to "envy". All phones have their pros and cons, and people choose what they want accordingly. The fact that you even came to that conclusion of "they envy me" just contributes to how smug you are.

    It's great that you love your phone. I love mine too. But don't be so full of yourself... that's what gives iPhone owners a bad name, hence the stereotype.

    So again, it's a freaking phone... It's not a status symbol.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. Cody Simpson Fires Up
  • Cody Simpson Fires Up

  • timerollson
    Apr 13, 02:54 PM
    Asstel: When you just got's ta get that booty...

    Reminds of that commercial for "Aciphex" (pronounced ASS EFFECTS).

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. justin bieber vs cody simpson.
  • justin bieber vs cody simpson.

  • Cassie
    Oct 11, 04:51 PM
    wake me up when they release a full-function smartphone/pda that runs "OS X lite" and is a fully featured phone, iPod and PDA (for iLife syncing, etc)

    Did you see my earlier post?:p

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. justin bieber cody simpson
  • justin bieber cody simpson

  • northsideboi
    Nov 27, 12:29 PM
    If you purchased an item that was listed as a Black Friday Apple sale items at one of the Apple Retail Stores, I urge you to check you receipt to see if you got the sale price. I was at the Apple Chicago Michigan Ave. Store on Friday and purchased two sale items (the Nike+ ipod adapter and the Ingroove Neoprene sleeve for the Macbook). While both items were listed as sale items on the in store flyer and on the Apple web site, when I checked out with an Apple associate using a handheld terminal I was charged the FULL PRICE of these items.:eek: Since I discovered this when I got home, I called the Apple Store to request a refund. after a bit of an arguement, i was told i would get a refund in a few days. Today I got a refund on the Nike+ item, but not on the Ingroove sleeve. Looks like I will be calling the apple store again. :mad:

    I can only imagine the thousands of people who thought that they were getting an item at the sale price and were actually charged full price.:mad:

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber.
  • cody simpson vs justin bieber.

  • skellener
    Mar 24, 06:24 PM
    Happy Birthday NeXTSTEP!!! ;)

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. justin bieber vs cody simpson
  • justin bieber vs cody simpson

  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 30, 12:24 AM
    Hey knock it off with all the off topic Windows drivel. Winrumors forums would be a better place to dispute these matters.

    Slight UI tweaks aren't a big topic pool to draw from.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber. dmbfrontier. Mar 29, 08:29 AM. That just seems wrong.
  • cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber. dmbfrontier. Mar 29, 08:29 AM. That just seems wrong.

  • JAT
    Apr 8, 01:20 PM
    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

    Maybe they'll hire some drunk to stand on the corner in an iPad costume like all the tax preparation places do for March-April 15.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson and justin
  • cody simpson and justin

  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 01:08 PM
    4s ftw.

    No. 4s is reality. 5 next June/July. Then every June/July after. :apple:

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber.
  • cody simpson vs justin bieber.

  • Westside guy
    Oct 28, 05:07 PM
    Well, stuff like iScroll2 - the two-finger scrolling hack for older Macs like my Powerbook - was able to be developed because of freely-accessible Darwin source code. I'd imagine the tun/tap 3rd party virtual devices + drivers (needed by openvpn) also wouldn't have been feasible if the developer couldn't get at the kernel source.

    Right now the osx86 project is of little interest to the public at large, since it's not like you get a box that is particularly useful to someone that doesn't want to tweak incessantly (sound may or may not work, networking may not work, printing may not work, etc.). But I imagine Apple wants to keep forcing them to re-solve the basic functionality issues over and over, so they don't get to the point where the average user would actually find it worthwhile to investigate this.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. Justin Bieber
  • Justin Bieber

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 5, 03:31 PM
    The version that doesn't nag for ratings is $1.00.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. appearance of Cody Simpson
  • appearance of Cody Simpson

  • Mechinyun
    Mar 17, 01:08 AM
    haters gonna...

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. JUSTIN BIEBER VS CODY SIMPSON

  • Highland
    Aug 2, 08:04 PM
    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.That's just wrong on so many levels. I wish I had more time...
    I dare you to try and argue against those points. Trust me, I've spent long enough in the music industry and observed all the DRM and copy protection stuff that's been happening since... well... a very long time (since DAT days etc).

    #1 "proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing" -- So you don't want to have free interchange on products you own with content you've bought a license to play? I'm not saying we have a legal right to play the content where we like, I'm saying we SHOULD.

    #2 "I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use." -- I think it'd be much better to have one DRM model for all. The idea of heaps of different online stores all selling music that only works with one or two devices is just insane. And if you think that wouldn't work because it'd be cracked... well, every DRM model can and will be cracked in time. They all suffer that flaw.

    #3 "Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame." -- The DRM is there because labels want it, not because Apple does. Period. Don't even bother arguing about that one.

    #4 "We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time." -- CDs won't be around forever. So what are we going to do when DRMed files are the ONLY choice? That's not an option I like to think about. We need to fight this right now or be in a whole lot of trouble.

    Honestly, there's really not really a sane way to argue that proprietary DRM is good for consumers. There's quite a few ways to argue that it's morally not a good thing for society. There's also a few ways to argue that it breaches fair trading practices.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. Cody+simpson+vs+justin+
  • Cody+simpson+vs+justin+

  • vizkiz
    Apr 15, 04:14 PM
    I call yours fake. They forgot to put in the switch.

    This (black plastic)http://assets.gearlive.com/blogimages/gallery/iphone-unboxing/13-iphone-mute-volume_medium.jpg

    is different than this (hole)http://media.boygeniusreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/30951.jpg

    First off, it's supposedly a picture of the next-gen phone, it's not going to have the same rocker as the current or previous model. My 3G doesn't have the same switch as the first-gen iPhone.
    Second, it's supposedly photos of the CASE, not the whole phone.

    And, as someone pointed out in the MacRumors thread with these pictures, there's no space for the camera flash, which the next-gen phone supposedly will have, as there are things pointing to it in the OS 4.0 Beta. They're most likely fakes. Not the best ones, but certainly not terrible either.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. Cody+simpson+vs+justin+
  • Cody+simpson+vs+justin+

  • samiwas
    Mar 4, 11:27 AM
    None of this has anything to with the massive cuts in education that have been going on for years, propagated by.....Republicans. You're making the very job that teaches children how to learn and grow, and practically making it a minimum-wage job. It's no wonder teachers are getting worse.

    The very fact that many teachers have to pay out-of-pocket for their own classroom supplies because their school districts have no funding is just mind boggling.

    So fivepoint, since the school districts already have no money with only more cuts on the horizon, where is the money to double salaries going to come from when the unions are disbanded? I mean, it can't come from taxes because you want those lowered, too. Apparently, school districts are just sitting on piles of cash that they are begging to give to teachers.

    cody simpson vs justin bieber. cody simpson vs justin bieber.
  • cody simpson vs justin bieber.

  • MacBoy108
    Jan 8, 10:21 PM
    iBook G5 and Newton Pro.

    Nov 24, 08:56 PM
    LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)

    my merom is now obsolete!! grr

    Nov 27, 03:26 AM
    They are doing a similar event in the UK on Friday 1st December - a 'one day only special sales event'

    Oct 3, 02:19 PM
    lets hope we get new MBPs before Macworld in Jan!

    in Jan i hope to get iTV, iLife '07, Leopard and maybe an iPhone

    I would like to see iTV a cross between Tivo and Front Row

    There is not much i would like to see added to iLife but i bet Steve will make my buy it

    Not going to be like a Tivo. Not at the price point that Apple was talking about...

    Oct 19, 10:04 AM
    I would love to know what the worldwide figure is for Apple market percentage. I know it says here that its not in the top 5, hence no available data, but it would be interesting to see, particularly here in the UK, as the amount of people I know who have switched in the last year has been huge!!


    It would be very interesting to see international figures and national figures.

    Aug 10, 05:51 PM
    Guys, I must be missing something.
    Everybody is saying here that Dell 30" monitors are cheaper than Apple's 30"
    Check the link bellow and you'll see that is actually more:


    I understand that maybe there are rebates and so on, but seriously I rather pay more for an Apple display than a Dell. First the design of Apple is better and second I can get Applecare included if I purchase it with a ProMac or PowerMac.

    I am not going to discuss the specs of each display. I rather see each side by side to analyze which is better.

    huuh.. no one is saying Dell 30 inch is cheaper now (used to be.. so maybe you read an old post before the current price drop). Heck, don't you see I have started a foundation to get me a Apple 30'?. I think some people prefer Dell because their monitors have more options (connections wise). I know I'm glad i got my 20 inch Dell over a 20 inch apple. But I really wanted an apple monitor (even with limited connectivity).. now all you have to do is send me a buck, persuade 1999 other people to do the same (I promise to burn every contributer name onto the back of the monitor). hahaha..

    Anyway, I think everyone now knows apple 30 inch is cheaper.

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  • ak 47 wallpaper

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  • rosie huntington-whiteley makeup

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • lee50539310
    May 4, 04:31 AM
    3)DC Cable
    Color of DC cable is soft white or we say a little grey, and you can feel friction because the cable is not total smooth but rough.

    Pure white and smooth, you can�t even feel frication. But some factories also use original cables like ours to ensure the quality.

    It�s not only used in DC cables, also the same way for AC cables and earphone cables.

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Its Official: Rosie Huntington
  • Its Official: Rosie Huntington

  • SchneiderMan
    Feb 10, 01:35 AM
    I didn't get it

    and then I went back to the topic activity then I got it

    it was pretty funny so i found this thread again to share this ahaha

    Haha stupid threads deserve stupid comments no? :p

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Easy whiteley, rosie rosie feb
  • Easy whiteley, rosie rosie feb

  • EricNau
    Dec 21, 08:22 PM
    A lot of electronics have a funny smell when you first get them. Is the smell getting better or worse?

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley:
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley:

  • ErikAndre
    Jan 15, 09:09 PM
    Can't say the wait was worth it, knowing how much we knew already from leaks, but...

    Did anyone (who subscribed) get an email from MacRumors notifying them the keynote was available online?

    I signed up for the spoiler-free keynote link, confirmed my email address (2-3 days ago) and waited around tonight and nothing. Around 7p EST, I had my girlfriend go to the apple site and sure enough... they keynote is online. Even to this hour (10p), i still haven't received an email notification from MacRumors. Of course, I could be the only one...



    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. HEY S E E E X Y!
  • HEY S E E E X Y!

  • dcv
    Dec 15, 03:52 AM
    Cheers for your feedback guys! :)

    The animation is a little bit choppy in parts as I had to remove so many frames and change timings to get the overall file within the size limits.

    Anyway, bit of background on my entry...

    I wanted to use a character of some sort and Newton seemed a good choice because of the obvious connection with the apple; this also has some personal relevance because I have a degree in Physics!

    I've got a PowerBook myself, but the reason why I chose to drop an iBook on Newton's head is because the white shows up better (since I gave him grey hair)... also when I first signed up to MR I was interested in buying an iBook and my very first post was in the "New iBooks Next Tuesday?" thread. I had to change the text to Wednesday what with the recent releases, but I thought that including this all-too familiar thread topic kinda captured the boards :p

    I've got some ideas for other avatars too, but not sure if I'll have time to execute them...

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. TEAM ROSIE!

  • Blue Velvet
    Jan 2, 07:50 AM
    Cheers, thanks for clearing that up.
    God, I learn at least 5 new things a day just hanging out here...


    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • fistful
    Sep 18, 01:58 PM
    Are you by any chance into skeet shooting?

    I don't know, I usually ask friends and family if they want to make some trades before anything else.

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • wjlafrance
    Jan 13, 02:59 PM
    We only have two sleds but I went with Hitachi Deskstar, HDS722020ALA330. There's a jumper on the back but it's unlabeled and mostly undocumented. I don't know what it does, and it didn't matter.

    As a precaution, which I think was important, I put each drive on an SATA USB adapter with my MacBook and formatted them both to HFS+ with APM. Apparently the controllers hate GPT.

    They both worked perfectly, much to my pleasant surprise.


    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • cocacolakid
    Mar 19, 06:13 PM
    I have a 2010 unibody mini hooked up to a 37" Vizio 1080p HDTV as it's main monitor. (I also have a 24" HD monitor as a dual monitor, but I rarely use that).

    I have had absolutely no issues at all using a large HDTV. There isn't any lag, the picture is fantastic, etc.

    I play a ton of movies on this thing, using Front Row, VLC, and Boxee (and the iPad has apps to use as a remote for all 3).

    I'd highly recommend it.

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

  • Blue Fox
    May 18, 01:57 PM
    I think a blue or pink one would be great!! Maybe Apple will have a "rainbow" collection of colors? That would be so much fun!!

    LOL. Your too late on that one. :D




    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Labels: Rosie Huntington-
  • Labels: Rosie Huntington-

    Dec 2, 09:51 PM
    I would really like to get that price. I have never sold anything on eBay. How easy is it?

    If you sell something on eBay, make sure to include nice, high resolution photos showing the computer and accessories from all different angles. People like pictures.

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • motomullet
    Jan 9, 10:46 PM
    I can't help you on the 2tb drives, but I do have a 1tb western digital green in mine.

    From what I read, some drives need to be throttled to sata 1.5 in order to be recognized. This is done with a jumper on two of the pins next to the sata plug (which pins depends on the drive)

    I believe I have my drive jumpered, and I think I had to reformat it once when I put it in because of the large block size.

    At any rate, its in there, and it works.


    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley on
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley on

  • trainguy77
    Dec 1, 04:09 PM
    still waiting on a 64-Bit SMP client

    I thought it was 64-bit? After all there is no 32 bit linux version yet so I would think the OS X version is 64 bit.

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington Whiteley -
  • Rosie Huntington Whiteley -

  • belvdr
    Sep 26, 03:37 PM
    I always recommend learning any language by hand and use your favorite editor, such as TacoEdit, BBEdit, vi, Textpad, jEdit, whatever. Then when you fully understand it, you can use a WYSIWIG editor. Then you'll be able to modify the code for efficiency or just plain modifications.


    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • jmufellow
    Sep 29, 01:14 AM
    Basically, I want to get an ibook, either refurb or used--just something cheap that will do internet (wireless), word processing, and that's about it. I have a biggger mac for storing music burning dvd's etc.

    There's a nice ibook on the refurb page right now. My question: if I let this one pass will something else come up on that page pretty soon or is it a rare thing to find this kind of deal.

    My reason for not buying now is because I did not plan to get something this soon, and money would be a tad bit tight to spring and get it right now. Should I spring for it now (aka credit card) or is it safe to wait for this deal to surface again? :confused:

    Thanks for the reply BTW :)

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • Matth3w
    May 2, 06:53 PM
    Yep, I said non-slim. Reason being, I have a smaller shoulder bag for it on a day to day basis. But the bag doesn't hold much. So if I want to take it in my book bag, either of the bags I have, have larger pockets for laptops.

    So I either am looking for a case that is hard and larger, or a book bag with a better (smaller) pocket for a thin laptop.

    I've spent hours on Google but I keep finding the manila carrying case for example...I don't want something like that.


    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • someguy
    Mar 25, 03:25 PM
    Folding? Who does that? Seriously.. :rolleyes:

    :eek: :cool: :D ;) :p

    *beams with pride over his 232 WU's*

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • Bob Knob
    Mar 31, 02:14 PM
    Screw Combustion, I want Discreet to get the bugs out of Cleaner 6. Since they picked up Cleaner from Terran Interactive years ago they haven't done squat. They rarely even put out the "new version coming soon" lie on their BB anymore because every time they do they get slammed.

    rosie huntington-whiteley makeup. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

  • mistamidget
    Feb 5, 01:25 AM
    Interesting thing just happened today.
    I installed ntfs-3g so I could write to my ntfs partitions and found that when I next tried to set the startup disk to mircosotf the partition was gone. :eek:
    So I plugged in my eMac keyboard to use the option key start method and both disks were there but the bootcamp disk just hung. I have just now removed ntfs-3g and the partition is now back in the startup list so hopefully it's all back to normal.
    Has anyone else seen this? bit of a bummer IMO

    Apr 23, 06:17 PM
    Ok so do you guys think they would increase the amount of batteries in the keyboard?

    I'm aware that it wouldn't be a very apple thing to do, but what do you think?

    Dec 24, 01:48 PM
    It's just a little something for the Spymac community. Granted, they could have done without the trailer, but look how excited most of the members were when they saw it. It's just all for fun.

    May 5, 09:57 AM
    Yes, just get 4.3.2 somewhere and you can restore normally for the moment it looks like.

    Jul 12, 04:50 PM
    We had at least 2 or 3 topic with this car in the past few months.

    Use the search function.

    Still, cool car/mac.

    Aug 8, 02:05 AM
    So, I guess Windows needs to update their XP background then, huh?

    LOL, yeah. Doubt they'd do that though.